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Sunday, 17 June 2012

#SBS and Theo Paphitis

Today, in the world of Twitter is #SBS. Theo Paphitis, an extremely successful business man retweets 6 business' who have tweeted him about their business. Its called Small Business Sunday. So, for a few weeks I have been trying to get the mans attention. As I am rapidly turning into The Postcard Lady I tweeted this to him....

Fingers crossed! I will let you all know.


1 comment:

  1. I hope your tweet went down well?!

    I would like to nominate you for a Versatile Blogger Award. I think this is a nice way of showing appreciation of blogs that you really enjoy taking the time out to read.

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    You don't have to take part in this if you choose not to, but at least you know how much I like your blog!

    Marie x
